The aim of the study was to follow changes in allergens and airborne particles in the indoor environment during the first year in a newly started school. The building is from the sixties and was refurbished during the summer to be made suitable as a school. New internal walls and some new flooring were installed, and walls and ceilings were redecorated. Most of the furniture, textiles and lamps are new. Samples for allergen determination were collected by sampling settled dust with a vacuum cleaner. Airborne allergens were collected by a newly developed method involving an ionisator. These samples were anlysed for content of cat and dog allergen. Generally the incoming air was of good quality regarding particles and microorganisms. After about two months the allergen levels had built up to levels between 1-6 μg/g dust, levels regarded as moderate risk for sensitization. Airborne levels also quickly increased and varied depending on activity levels.
The measurement of indoor environmental parameters in a newly started and refurbished school.

Bibliographic info:
Finland, SIY Indoor Air Information Oy, 2000, proceedings of "Healthy Buildings 2000", held 6-10 August 2000, Espoo, Finland, paper 411.