Karl F. Johnson, G. Kimball Hart, John Weidt
Bibliographic info:
Building Simulation, Australia, 1993, p. 517-523

The Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) has recently released two new programs, LightCAD and LightPAD, to enhance the design and application of lighting in commercial buildings. LightCAD is a companion program to AutoCAD and is used by lighting designers and drafts persons to design more energy-efficient lighting systems in new buildings. LightCAD 2.0 is an advanced lighting layout too I in the CAD environment aimed at improving basic lighting in standard commercial environment-it is not a highly sophisticated analysis tool for detailed or specialized lighting analysis. LightCAD 2.0 features include a library of "generic "fixtures for reference; the ability to import fixture data in IES format, ceiling grid placement and fixture layout capability, tabulation of fixtures, controls, connected Watts, and total building kW and kWh; a library of utility lighting rebate programs and the ability to add new ones using EPRI's LREP Program; and the ability to prepare an export file for the ASHRAE/IES Lighting Code-Checking Routine. LightCAD 2.0 also contains a new sub?routine, BEEM, for analysis of daylighting options. LightPAD is a simple but powerfull lighting audit and analysis tool for assessing installed lighting systems and proposing cost?effective and energy-efficient retrofit alternatives. LightPAD enables on-site data entry to the analysis program, improving both speed and accuracy by removing the step of making hand-written field notes. It also makes possible on-site analysis so that estimated lighting values in a room can be checked in the field and adjusted if necessary. In addition, it allows the auditor to analyze retrofit options and present estimates to the building owner/operator on the first visit. Such improvements in auditor productivity and accuracy can have major impacts on utility incentive programs.