Tn this paper, using thc "SCTENCE vent"method for estimating the energy consumptionfor air conditioning in rcsidcntial buildings, wcevaluated the wind environment and theradiative conditions with respect to the targetbuildings in the case where the grossbuilding-to-land ratio was taken intoconsideration by altering the distance betweenindividual buildings. In addition, we examinedthe influence exerted by these parameters on theuse of air conditioning and the annual energyconsumption for air conditioning andillumination. As a result, based on the fact that adecrease in the gross building-to-land ratiocntailcd an incrcasc in thc cncrgy consumptionfor air conditioning and a decrease in the energyconsumption for illumination, it is ncccssary totake into account the energy consumption forboth air conditioning and illumination whenevaluating the potential for using natural energyin rcsidcntial buildings.
Impact of the Change of Gross Building-to-Land Ratio upon the ResidentialVentilation Usage and Energy Consumption for Air-Conditioning andLighting

Bibliographic info:
29th AIVC Conference " Advanced building ventilation and environmental technology for addressing climate change issues", Kyoto, Japan, 14-16 October 2008