Per Sahlin
Bibliographic info:
Building Simulation, Australia, 1993, p. 299-305

The limited development potential of current building simulation programs has spurred the design of a new generation of tools: object oriented simulation environments, where the latest in software technology and numerical methods is employed to provide users with a framework for more flexible, and thereby more appropriate, simulation models. Some of these tools provide the sophisticated user with a rich graphical environment for interactive model design. We call these model-lab simulation environments. However, it is not always clear how the new tools will be brought into every day use by non-experts at design offices. In this paper, some requirements for such use are discussed, and IDA Modeller is presented IDA Modeller is the ftont end ofIDA, a general environment for building and eneqy systems simulation. IDA allows use of model-lab model structuring principles for development of end user design tools. Discussed features of IDA Modeller include: hierarchical model structure, object user interfaces, and tailored IDA applications. For illustration, the user interface of a recently developed application, multizone air?exchange, is presented. The mathematical models and methods of this application are treated in an accompanying paper.