Wenhao Chen, Jianshun Zhang, James Smith, Zhibin Zhang
Bibliographic info:
Healthy Buildings 2003 - Proceedings 7th International Conference (7th-11th December 2003) - National University of Singapore - Vol. 2, pp 80-585, 6 Fig., 2 Tab.., 4 Ref.

Various air cleaning technologies and products are commercially available to remove VOCsfrom indoor environment. By conducting full-scale chamber tests, this paper compares theremoval characteristics for VOCs between three commercial portable room air cleaners,representing three major types of technology: sorption filtration, ultraviolet-photo-catalyticoxidation (UV-PCO) and ozone oxidation. Experimental results show that some portableroom air cleaners might not have the pollutant removal efficiency as high as people expect.Cleaners that generate ozone may also lead to unsafe ozone concentration levels. This paperalso discusses the challenges in evaluating cleaner performance under full-scale and multicompoundconditions.