The workplaces located in southern (18 places) and central Finland. The total amount of workrooms measured was 87. The mean concentration of radon was 254 Bq/m3 (range from 12 to 1647 Bq/m3) during working hours. The calculated radon entry rates varied from 2 to 4780 kBq/h. The measured air exchange rates varied from 0.1 to 13.3 l/h and calculated ventilation flow rates varied from 30 to 55200 m3/h. Radon concentration was found to depend on the type of foundation, whereas types of ventilation or the ventilation flow rates did not correlate significantly with the concentrations of radon. The highest concentrations of radon were detected when the negative pressure differences were between 1 Pa to 6 Pa.
The effect of ventilation and pressure differences on concentrations of radon at workplaces.

Bibliographic info:
16th AIVC Conference "Implementing the results of ventilation research", Palm Springs, USA, 18-22 September 1995