The application of system identification techniques to the energy performance assessment of buildings and building components requires a high level of knowledgeof physical and mathematical processes. This factor,combined with the quality of the data, the descriptionof the monitoring procedure and test environment, together with the experience of the user of the analysis software itself, can produce varying results from differentusers when applying different models and software packages. Past international system identification competitions(1994 and 1996) demonstrated the spread in results that can be expected regarding the application of different models and techniques to the same benchmarkdata. The PASLINK network has attempted to consolidate and strengthen knowledge and expertise of system identification techniques within the grouping by organising lectures and workshops and also to ensure that data analysis meets minimum quality levels.This presentation highlights the milestones in the developmentof practical software tools, defining data series for training and selected practical case studies. As an example discussed will be the spread in results obtained during the previous competitions to that obtained duringthe recent workshops carried out by the PASLINK network, following ten years of networking activities in the field. The objective was to identify the extent to which these activities have strengthened the position of the individual teams working in the field and to identify the areas where quality assurance is met and where furtherimprovements can be made.In order to maintain the quality in analysis and modellingwork a third system identification competition has been organised.
Dynamic Analysis Methods and Modelling. Application to Energy Performance Assessment
Bibliographic info:
28th AIVC and 2nd Palenc Conference " Building Low Energy Cooling and Ventilation Technologies in the 21st Century", Crete, Greece, 27-29 September 2007