The purpose of this paper is to introduce Energy Smart Tool, a new web-based building energyperformance benchmarking system developed recently by Energy Sustainability Unit of NationalUniversity of Singapore. It provides users with direct comparisons of their buildings energyperformance to other similar facilities, which helps to identify the position their facilities, and to setenergy saving targets. A general discussion of the benchmarking procedure is given. It was learnedduring the development that benchmarking is firstly a continuous systematic process of evaluatingones own performance in relation to others. More importantly, it should be a process to identify best orpoor practices, find reasons of successes or failures, and develop recommendations andimplementations for improvement. Willingness of sharing information is the key for a successfulbenchmarking practice. The empirical findings of this study will contribute to the knowledge andunderstanding of using benchmarking for energy performance improvement of buildings.
Development of a Web-Based Building EnergyPerformance Benchmarking System

Bibliographic info:
27th AIVC and 4th Epic Conference "Technologies & sustainable policies for a radical decrease of the energy consumption in buildings", Lyon, France, 20-22 November 2006