In recent years, not only the residence but also the effort of health promotion by improving the social environment including the working and the regional environment has attracted attention. Because of the significant amount of time that office workers spend in the workplace, ideal modification of their working environment and work habits could potentially improve both their intellectual productivity and their physical health. However, optimal environmental improvements have not yet been identified. Therefore, in the present study, we developed a revised version of CASBEE-OHC. This version incorporates items evaluated in CASBEE-Wellness Office (CASBEE-WO), which is an objective workplace evaluation tool developed by the committee. This tool is constructed so that the question item does not have deflection by considering in various areas such as basic performance of buildings, operation management, and programs. The basic performance of buildings is focused on various fields such as design, installation, and structure. In particular, in the field of installation, we also set up questions about the room temperature and air quality by air conditioning and ventilation equipment, which are suggested to have a great impact on the workers' intellectual productivity and health. In order to verify the effectiveness of the revised CASBEE-OHC, we conducted a survey on workers’ health and psychological status, in addition to their general environment (working environment, residence, community). At first, the relationship the degree of dysfunction in labor and the environments (working environment, residence and community) in which the office workers stay, was analyzed. Next, the analyses considering the influence of confounding factors were carried out, by conducting multiple regression analysis on subjective work efficiency and logistic regression analysis on the degree of dysfunction in labor and Sleep efficiency. As a result, it was confirmed that if the office environment and residence, community of the office worker are good, it will have a good influence on health condition and workers' intellectual productivity. Also, the correlation analysis for evaluation item indicated that the correlation between office air conditioning, air quality and dysfunction in labor was high. Furthermore, among air conditioning and air quality field, it was confirmed that the influence of the item regarding air quality was the largest. And, based on multiple regression analysis, it was confirmed that the working environment and age of the officer, influenced the work efficiency. And, from the logistic regression analysis, it was suggested that the risk of having a high degree of labor impairment and sleeping disorder increases when the surrounding environment including office space was bad.
Development of Subjective Evaluation Tool of Work Environment for Office Workers' Work Performance and Health Promotion

Languages: English | Pages: 10 pp
Bibliographic info:
40th AIVC - 8th TightVent - 6th venticool Conference - Ghent, Belgium - 15-16 October 2019