This study aims to derive design data of thesupply chilled water temperature and water flowrate for the radiant floor cooling system inKorean residential buildings. At first,prEN- 1264 standard and ASHRAE method forthe radiant floor cooling system design werereviewed. Secondly, to verify application of thestandard, moclc-up tests were performed. Theresults show that prEN-1264 method isappropriate in case supply chilled watertemperature is low. By using calculation methodpresented in prEN- 1264 standard, design datafor Korean residential buildings was derived.This study would be able to determine thesupply chilled water temperature and water flowrate in design process.
Determination of the Chilled Water Temperature and Flow Rate of theRadiant Floor Cooling System in Residential Buildings

Bibliographic info:
29th AIVC Conference " Advanced building ventilation and environmental technology for addressing climate change issues", Kyoto, Japan, 14-16 October 2008