Charvat, P.; Jicha, M.
Bibliographic info:
29th AIVC Conference " Advanced building ventilation and environmental technology for addressing climate change issues", Kyoto, Japan, 14-16 October 2008

The decision makers in urban planning facevery often a dilemma whether to demolish orretrofit old buildings. Such a dileninia had to besolved during the reconstruction of the campusof the Faculty of Information Technologies atthe Brno University of Technology. One of thebuildings on the campus (a building that used tobe a brewery) was in a really bad shape and thequestion was whether to demolish it and build anew building instead or to put effort andresources into its retrofit. At that time the BrnoUniversity of Technology became a participantin the EU 6th framework project BRTTA in PuBs(Bringing Retrofit Innovation to Application inPublic Buildings). The decision was made toretrofit the former brewery into a social andculture within the framework of thedemonstration part of the BRITA project. Theretrofit of the brewery involved a completechange of the building use profile and all thebuilding systems had to be designed fromscratch. Sophisticated control and monitoring ofthe building equipment by means of theBuilding Management System is used in theBrewery.