Nilsson H, Holmer I, Holmberg S
Bibliographic info:
20th AIVC and Indoor Air 99 Conference "Ventilation and indoor air quality in buildings", Edinburgh, Scotland, 9-13 August 1999

With increasing demand for acceptable indoor environment it is necessary, already in theconstruction phase, to estimate what effect different environmental factors have on theoccupants. Thermal sensation is affected by many factors of the indoor environment.Predictive models are available which describe overall thermal sensation as function of themost important factors. In this work reference environments have been investigated with athermal manikin. The results from these measurements are then compared to CFDpredictions. The heat loss and temperature of the manikin influence the air movements aroundthe body. Themal interaction with walls, ventilation and furniture are influencing themanikin. When this thermal information is linked together with models for the human thermalsensation, valuable knowledge about the thermal status of a room can be obtained. In thefuture this kind of calculations can enable consultants and engineers to make predictions andearly statements in the design and construction process.