The situation in Canada with regard to building regulations affecting the airtightness of buildings is reviewed with emphasis on a new standard test method for measuring airtightness which departs somewhat from methods used inother countries. The purpose of this test is held to be primarily to determine an important aspect of building envelope quality, namely the degree to which unintentional openings have been avoided, rather than to determine energy conservation potential. The procedures used in the method, the rationale behind those procedures and the experience to date in using the method are summarized. The reasons why there is very little regulation of building airtightness in Canada at present and the prospects for increased regulation are given. It is concluded that it is unlikely there will be widespread regulation in this area in the near future.
Airtightness standards for buildings - the Canadian experience and future plans.

Bibliographic info:
5th AIVC Conference "The implementation and effectiveness of air infiltration standards in buildings" Nevada, US, 1-4 October 1984