Presents a study to improve knowledge of the air tightness of the building envelope. The airtightness of buildings was measured by the pressure method and a literature study was carried out of corresponding measurements inScandinavia. The air tightness was measured mainly in timber frame detached houses,in some detached houses of masonry as well as flats. Notes that minorsealing techniques can improve Finnish dwellings, which are leaky compared to Swedish requirements. States that ventilation, heating and air infiltration must be considered together. Improving air tightness must not reduce the quality of the indoor climate. Deals with materials used for air tighteningstructures. Discusses the most critical details of air tightness measures andproposes some solutions. Discusses costs and savings of air tightening.
Air tightness of the building envelope. Rakennusten ulkovaipan ilmanpitavyys.

Bibliographic info:
Finland,Technical Research Centre 1983 Research Report 215