For more than four years air infiltration measurements have been made on two nearly identical side-by-side test houses in Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA. This testing of the complete seasonal weather influence on air infiltration has, in the past two years, included constant concentration tracer gas measurements (CCTG). These multizone air infiltration measurements have added further detail on the response of air infiltration into the house to weather changes and the variation of air infiltration between different house locations.
Describes an investigation to show that the hourly, daily and monthly energy needs of simple buildings can be estimated using only limited available weather data for the location. The data needed are the mean daily maximum and mean daily minimum temperatures and the average clearness index for each month. Uses a residential building in Ottawa, Canada for the analysis, using a computer program ENERPASS.
Use of spectral analysis as a tool in identifying correlations of annual and diurnal patterns of weather data is presented. Results obtained with the application of this technique to the 10-yr hourly data for six variables of Fresno, Calif., in the 1952-1963 period indicate significant correlations in the annual and diurnal patterns of the variables. A method is introduced for estimating coincident diurnal patterns, which can be used in load and energy studies. Considerations in selection of representative periods of weather data for standard usage are found to require further research.
Describes a procedure for the approximate determination of air infiltration for a single family house for given weather conditions. To carry out the calculation it is only necessary to measure the permeability of the building envelope using a blower door. The calculation procedure is so straightforward that it can be carried out on a programmable pocket calculator. Refers to a comparative study by the Air Infiltration Centre, which found that the calculation model described gave the best results of any single cell model for all the houses investigated.
A new statistic for quantifying climate, Infiltration Degree-Days, is introduced. These serve the same function for infiltration and infiltration-related processes that standard degree-days have served for conduction and conduction-related p
The theoretical and experimental study of heat losses and energy consumption and its influence on the air quality in buildings has been undertaken by the Silesian Technical University since 1980. The heat consumption of buildings isinfluenced by the thermal insulation of buildings components, airtightness of these components and the types of ventilation systems. Simultaneously, the thermal comfort and also air quality is influenced by the modern building material and different types of buildings.