Warm air systems.Part 1 - temperatures and temperature efficiencies. Part 2 - tracer gas measurement and ventilation efficiency.

Reports the results of over 100 tests of 6 different warm air schemes. The temperatures and the removal of a tracer gas were monitored at several points and the data used to determine the temperature efficiency and ventilation efficiency. For ea

The effect of tracer gas on the accuracy of air change measurements in buildings.

Compares the air change rates measured using the decay method with several different tracer gases. Tracer gas measurements were conducted in a tightly sealed room where constant air leakage rates were maintained using an exhaust fan. Tracer gases investigated were CH4, CO, CO2, N2O and SF6. Agreement between tracer gas measurements and measured flow rates of the exhaust fan was very good for CH4, CO and N2O. The agreement was also satisfactory for CO2 and SF6, but the scatter in tracer gas data was much greater then it was for the other three gases.

Measurement of hourly infiltration rate and air change rate in the apartment block La Chaumiere. Mesures du taux horaire d'infiltration et de renouvellement de l'air sur l'immeuble La Chaumiere.

Describes the measurement of infiltration and air change rates in one flat in an apartment block containing 24 flats. Gives the general principles of the pressurization method and tracer gas method for measuring air change rate and infiltration rate. In this situation uses N2O as the tracer gas and measures concentrations with an infra-red gas analyser. Measures the effects of opening and sealing windows, and of closing internal doors on the air change rate and air movement in the flat.

Occupant-generated CO2 as an indicator of ventilation rate.

Uses occupant-generated CO2 as an indicator of the actual ventilation rate in a San Francisco office building. Employs two techniques, a decay method and an integral method, and measurements are conducted simultaneously at several locations. The decay method compares favourably with the conventional measurement methods in both the all-outside-air and recirculation modes, whereas the integral method shows a considerable deviation from the other methods in the recirculation mode.

Research into the ventilation of dwellings - theory before practice. Forschung im Bereich der Wohnungs luftung - Theorie vor Praxis.

Gives a brief overview of:< 1. Measurement of air change rate using tracer gas.< 2. Measurement of air leakage using steady state and alternating pressure.< 3. Calculation methods (by hand and by computer) for predicting air exchange in a building.< Indicates where relevant research in these areas is being carried out, and outlines the role of the Air Infiltration Centre.

A review of possible techniques to measure ventilation in occupied spaces.

Reviews current methods of ventilation measurement in occupied buildings including tracer methods, pressurisation, and thermography. Gives criteria for good ventilation rate measurement techniques. Also explores new methods of measuring ventilation rates in occupied buildings. These include:< 1. Use of non-toxic tracers, including negative ions, CO2 and odour levels< 2. AC pressurisation< 3. The quantification of thermography< 4. Small-scale detection of local air velocities using hot-wire anemometry.

Measurements of radon daughters in 12,000 Swedish homes.

Lists three factors causing a high radon and radon daughter concentration in Swedish dwellings:< 1. By energy-saving measures the ventilation rate has become low.< 2. 10% of existing houses are built of light-weight concrete with a high proportion of radium.< 3. Large regions have high radium content in the ground.< Describes a method for detecting high radon daughter levels by measuring gamma radiation from the outside.

Air movement in houses: a new approach.

Uses a multi-channel infra-red gas analyser to measure nitrous oxide tracer gas concentration at six points round a house. Combines concentrations to give overall house ventilation rates and to estimate the air exchange between individual rooms. The gas analyser is also used to measure air movement between the house and its roof (with 5 sampling points in the house and one in the roof). Results show that typically 20-30% of the air that enters a houseleaves via the roof space through gaps in the ceiling.

An appraisal of the sulphur hexafluoride decay technique for measuring air infiltration rates in buildings.

Compares the air change rates measured with SF6 and CO2 using the tracer gas decay technique and the fan extraction method over a wide variety of test chamber sizes and mixing systems. Shows that the conventional air handling orportable floor fans can provide adequate mixing for SF6 tracer gas decay measurements of infiltration. Warns that the mixing operation may become the dominant driving force of infiltration during calm climatic conditions. Finds that +-0.08 ach/h is a reasonable measure of experimental error at the 95%confidence level using SF6 as the tracer gas.

The use of radioactive gas in air conditioning trials in animal housing. Anvendelse av radioaktiv gass i forsok vedrorende klimatisering av husdyrrom.

Reports on tracer gas to ascertain feasibility of use of isotope techniques and how quickly fresh air is distributed in a room under set conditions. Describes the use of 85 Kr isotope.
