Infiltration in two mobile homes

Reports research undertaken to find the effect of a continuous sheathing board and skirting on the infiltration rate in a mobile home. Two mobile homes were tested, one equipped with sheathing board, and one caulked at structural joints. 

Air leakage measurements in a mobile home.

Reports air leakage measurements made in a mobile home using sulphur hexafluoride as a tracer gas. The home was located in an environmental chamber where it was possible to measure and control the temperature outside the home. The effect on infiltration rate of inside-outside temperature difference, simulated wind, installation of storm windows, opening of doors and operation of the furnace for was investigated. Also reports pressurization measurements which showed that the installation of storm windows had little effect on air leakage.

Natural ventilation in hospital buildings report no 15. operating manual for the "crkflo" computer program

Describes computer program developed by BSRIA to predict ventilation rates and directions of air flow in buildings for given sets of conditions. These conditions are wind speed and direction, temperature differences between inside and outside the building, air leakage characteristics of the components and the mechanically induced air flow rates. The report is in the form of anoperating manual for the program.

Programmed computer model of air infiltration in small residential buildings with oil furnace.

Describes computer program for the prediction of the air infiltration load in small residential buildings. The model represents an oil-fired furnace, a smoke pipe with barometric damper, a chimney and a non-partitioned building, with leakage openings in the building envelope. The model can be used to predict the air change rate of a small house under various combinations of indoor/outdoor temperature, wind-speed, wind direction and operation of an oil fired furnace.

An investigation of air exchange between rooms and outside air. Untersuchung uber den Luftaustausch zwischen Wohnraumen und Aussenluft.

Natural ventilation of inhabited rooms is studied with regard to its dependence on wind velocity and temperature difference between the interior of buildings and outside air. On the basis of simultaneous aerosol and carbon dioxide measurements an attempt has been made to separate the two components of air exchange: ventilation through walls and ventilation through clefts and chinks.

Wind tunnel and on-site pressure distribution measurements on a house and its effects on infiltration

Summarizes measurements made on a flat. These include inside to outside temperature and pressure differences, infiltration rates using helium as a tracer gas, duration of opening windows and doors and weather conditions. Also describes wind tunnel measurements made on a model of the building with and without obstacles and terrain roughness.

Air movement through doorways - the influence of temperature and its control by forced airflow.

Describes research to study movement of air through fully or partially open doorways with and without influence of temperature, and to ascertain amount of supply air required toprevent this movement. Studies door openings of 0.10 to 104 m. wide and temperature differential of 0 to 12 deg.C. States that from these results critical areas in hospitals may be designed more effectively to given requirements.

Variation in the airtightness of windows as a function of the outside temperature: measurement apparatus and examples of application. Variation de la permeabilite a l'air des fenetres en fonction de la temperature exterieure : dispositif de mesure et exem

Describes study and operating principles of device allowing a window (or more usually a light-weight cladding unit) to be placed in variable temperature conditions simulating actual summer and winter conditions, in order to determine the airtightness of the window under these conditions. Describes testing of three plastic window frames in the device and supplies the measured values of the airtightness before, during and after the tests, and the corresponding curves.

Air leakage and pressure measurements on two occupied houses.

Ventilation rates in two test home were measured using helium as a tracer gas. Pressure differences across the exterior walls of the house were recorded using pressure taps. Gives results for air infiltration tests and the calculated air infiltration. Finds that during summer air infiltration rates varied approximately linearly with wind velocity. During the winter, the pattern and extent of air infiltration were influenced by both house stack action and furnace operation.

The neutral zone in ventilation

Gives theoretical discussion of the neutral zone in ventilation. Shows that the pressure difference tending to cause flow at any opening is proportional to the vertical distance of that opening from the neutral zone and that the amount of air that may be passed by a given opening is proportional to the square root of the vertical distance of that opening from the neutral zone.Discusses the position of the neutral zone in a building which is governed by the relative amount of opening at top and bottom and by the inside to outside temperature difference at different levels.
