Policy making in an uncertain environment.

Discusses the policy making process in relation to indoor air issues, and the difficulties experienced in defining risks.

Setting standards for recognizing harmful concentrations in homes.

Discusses the need for and current state of standards for indoor air quality, and the various organisations responsible for setting them in the USA. Particular reference to ASHRAE standard 62-1981 and 62-1974.

Installation penetrations in sealing layers. Installationsgenomgangar i tatskikt.

Reports on research project to improve installation techniques using currently available building materials when making penetrations for services in sealing layers. States how careful installation and the use of proper materials and planning can ensure that Swedish Building Standards can be complied with. Notes small cost required to achieve improved sealing and recommends that sealing layers should not be penetrated where this can be avoided. Illustrates various service penetrations.

The importance of proper design : commissioning and maintenance are highlighted in the proposal for a new Finnish ventilation code. D2-maaraysehdotuksessa korostuu suunnittelun, kaytoonoton ja kunnossapidon merkitys.

The technical chapters in the draft proposal for the Ventilation Code differ from the existing one. The technical means for achieving acceptable indoor climate will be described in a new way. In order to secure acceptable quality also in practise (not only in design), new requirements are suggested for design and especially the documentation of design, for commissioning and for maintenance planning. The suggested minimum ventilation rate is 4 l/s per person in rooms where smoking is not allowed and 10 l/s per person if smoking is allowed.

Objectives of indoor climate influence on the structure of the proposed new Finnish ventilation code. Sisailmastotavoitteet muuttaneet osaltaan D2-maaraysehdotuksen rakennetta.

The new proposal for ventilation requirements in the National Building Code of Finland is on public review. The structure of the proposal is different from the existing ventilation code. Minimum requirements for acceptable indoor climate will be given to a wider extent than before, eg new requirements for indoor air temperature and purity are proposed. Also the quality of outdoor air should be taken into account in design of ventilation. Health aspects are also considered, based on today's international knowledge of indoor air quality and human health.

Complaints about air conditioning: the causes of problems in air conditioned and mechanically ventilated buildings. Klimabeschwerden: die Ursachen fur die Beschwerden in klimatisierten und mechanisch belufteten Gebauden.

Notes increasing complaints in Germany with the use of air conditioning and mechanical ventilation systems, despite them creating an indoor climate meeting the stipulations of German standard DIN 1946. The complaints are mainly of draughts, dry air, stale air and variable temperatures. Attributes most causes of complaint to the systems of air supply. Examines the drawbacks of various types of air supply system - dilution ventilation, window ventilation, displacement ventilation.
