Passive stack ventilation system design and installation.

Passive stack ventilation is a means of removing unwanted moisture from dwellings. The proper design and installation of these systems is vital to their successful performance. This paper gives detailed guidance on this subject and is in support of the 1995 edition of the Approved Document to Part F of the Building Regulations.

Casing the joint.


Natural aspiration.


The Queen's Building for Anglia Polytechnic University.


Salt bath modelling of air flows.

The Influence of Bend Angles upon the Performance of Passive Stack Duct Systems within Dwellings

Passive stack ventilation systems have been used for a number of years throughout the world. They were specifically mentioned within the 1995 revision of the Building Regulations for England and Wales as a means of compliance. BRE Information Paper 13/94 gives recommendations for the design of duct systems within dwellings that place restrictions upon the number and severity of bends that may be used. These restrictions limit the scope for the use of passive stack ventilation within dwellings.
