The Athens air traffic control tower - A case of a sick building

It is well understood that there are many sick professional buildings in use all over the world. Most of them are sited in or near the center of large cities where the ambient atmospheric conditions are not good. The sickness syndrome of those buildings combines both the indoor air quality and the local comfort regime. In many cases the responsibility for the formation of these syndromes lies with the not appropriate envelope design and the misuse of the building by the inhabitants.

Playing the field.

A US company is using electric fields to remove airborne contaminants. Ewen Rose reports

Health and comfort in offices.

Healthy buildings.

IAQ 91 Healthy Buildings.

Buildings, health and energy.

This speech comprises a summary of two publications from the Swedish Council for Building Research (BFR); the knowledge survey "Buildings and Health" (BFR T4:90) and "Indoor climate and energy husbandry" (BFR G5:90). One central conclusion presented in both these publications is that the hygienic and climatic requirements are frequently neglected and that they must reassume a central position in the building and building management process.

Assuring indoor air quality.

