Submitted by Maria.Kapsalaki on Thu, 03/02/2023 - 13:29
The serious social and health crisis faced as a result of the spread of SARS-Cov 2 has highlighted the weaknesses of human beings but has mainly highlighted the inadequate static response of existing buildings; all those confined spaces characterised by the simultaneous presence of a large number of people, such as classrooms, have shown, over the past two years, how unhealthy are because of the high possibility of contraction of the virus inside them.
In January 2023, the Environmental Law Institute (ELI) with funding from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), released the report: "Ventilation in Schools: A Review of State Policy Strategies".
Submitted by Maria.Kapsalaki on Mon, 04/15/2019 - 11:30
The ClimACT project has been developed under the priority axis “Low Carbon Economy” of the Interreg SUDOE program. It aims to support the transition to a low carbon economy in schools. Environmental audits addressing energy and water consumptions, waste management, travels to school, procurements and green spaces have been carried out in 38 pilots schools of Portugal, Spain, France and Gibraltar. Indoor air quality and ventilation measurements were also achieved. The concentrations of 9 aldehydes and 10 selected VOCs were measured from passive sampling in two classrooms of each school.
Submitted by Maria.Kapsalaki on Thu, 11/23/2017 - 13:53
Combining heat recovery with natural ventilation is a relatively new topic of significant academic and commercial interest. The present study shows the performance of a recently developed Passive Ventilation system with Heat Recovery (PVHR) installed in a primary school building.
Submitted by Maria.Kapsalaki on Thu, 11/23/2017 - 11:40
In high density occupation rooms, it is necessary to control indoor air quality (IAQ) combined with other comfort parameters. An adequate IAQ in classrooms enhances children learning and academic results are improved.
Submitted by Maria.Kapsalaki on Tue, 03/22/2016 - 12:21
In 2011, the Danish Energy Agency initiated a study into ventilation solutions for the retrofit of schools to identify the most promising technologies. The reason was an increasing awareness that the ability of school children to absorb, adapt and use knowledge was affected negatively by inadequate ventilation rates. This paper presents an output of this study. A method for evaluation of the ventilation systems is proposed. The method consists of three categories with a clear separation to create a scoring board that facilitates transparent and unbiased evaluation.
Submitted by Maria.Kapsalaki on Tue, 03/22/2016 - 09:31
EU energy policy encourages member states and public authorities to start converting building stock into nearly Zero Energy Buildings (nZEB) and adopting exemplary actions. ZEMedS project focuses on the issues related to the refurbishment of schools to nearly Zero Energy Buildings (nZEB) in France, Greece, Italy and Spain. Presently, there is a gap in national regulation of Mediterranean countries to embody the 2012/27 EED as far as renovation rates of public buildings are concerned.
Submitted by Maria.Kapsalaki on Thu, 05/28/2015 - 12:49
The present study aims at investigating carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations inside elementary schools’ classrooms and how students’ productivity is affected. Measurements were conducted in 9 naturally ventilated schools of Attica from April to May 2013. Monitoring lasted for 7 hours per day, for a period of one to five days per school. CO2 concentrations were monitored simultaneously in the inside and the outside environment of the classrooms. Indoor concentrations of CO2 in almost all schools were higher than the ASHRAE threshold limit values.
Submitted by Maria.Kapsalaki on Tue, 05/06/2014 - 15:17
There is little knowledge on if and how indoor environmental quality influences students’ attendance and productivity. However, this issue has been of growing interest the recent years in the scientific community and results are showing that student learning performance is significantly affected by indoor environmental quality factors. In the present study the learning performance is examined through numerical test scores achieved by primary school students in their classrooms.
Submitted by Maria.Kapsalaki on Tue, 05/06/2014 - 15:14
The present study investigates the indoor thermal comfort perceived by students through a questionnaire survey conducted during spring 2013 in naturally ventilated primary schools in Athens. Thermal environment parameters such as air temperature, relative humidity, air velocity and mean radiant temperature were simultaneously measured. Then, Fanger’s indices of Predicted Mean Vote (PMV) and Percentage of People Dissatisfied (PPD) were calculated by using clothing and metabolic rates.