Commissioning the air barrier.


A source book on good practices for design, installation, and maintenance of insulated roof systems. IEA Annex 19 Low-slope roof systems.

The annex was formed to address energy issues related to low slope roof systems. The first task undertaken was the development of a sourcebook on good practices for design, installation and maintenance of insulated roof systems. The intent of the sourcebook is to provide a discussion of both real and perceived correlations between roof systems and to present information on recent roofing issues that have insulation implications. Annex members have identified and reviewed a list of 25 potential correlations between roof problems and insulation.

Effect of wind pressure fluctuations on air movements inside buildings.

An appropriate way to identify the most efficient ventilation systems and improve their design is to use design codes for ventilation rates. These rates are strongly influenced by spatial and temporal fluctuations in wind pressure on the facade and roof. The influence of the effects of wind on ventilation was studied using a model which includes air compressibility, together with the pressure field measured on a model in a boundary layer wind tunnel. The simulation results obtained are analyzed using a design code.

The hygrothermal behaviour of sloped roofs.

