An evaluation of the effectiveness of air leakage sealing.

A field study was carried out to evaluate the effectiveness of air leakage sealing techniques for reducing air infiltration in houses. Presealing and postsealing air leakage tests were performed upon 82 single detached houses inWinnipeg or southern Manitoba. All houses were placed under a negative pressure, and leakage sites were identified using smoke pencils. Windows and doors were weather-stripped and other unintentional openings caulked and sealed using specified materials and techniques.

Demonstration of air leakage reduction program in Navy family housing.

The Department of Defense has an ongoing program to conserve energy at its installations. One method of energy conservation in residential units is the reduction of excessive air leakage by appropriate retrofits. Under the sponsorship of the Office of Navy Family Housing, a demonstration of air leakage reduction was undertaken at the Great Lakes Naval Training Center. Twoprocedural documents were prepared in draft form: a manual for use by supervision and a handbook for the on-base mechanics doingthe air leakage retrofits.

Airtightness of dwellings.

Discusses the various causes of unwanted air infiltration in dwellings. Illustrates diagrammatically the commonest structural faults leading to adventitious air infiltration and gives methods of overcoming them. Notes the average cost of such improvements.

Evaluation of the perfluorcarbon tracer technique for determining infiltration rates in residences.

Describes the evaluation of a new simple passive perfluorocarbon tracer technique for determining air infiltration rates into houses and buildings. The authors explain the methods used and present and discuss their results.

Is there a minimum heating requirement for households?

This note arises from work to identify the effectiveness and cost of remedial treatments for condensation and mould problems in housing. Although the four factors - moisture generation, ventilation, insulation and heating - which control the likelihood of mould growths have long been established there hasnot been a straightforward way of showing their interrelationship, particularly where energy costs are important.

Air infiltration and ventilation in relation to the thermal performance of dwelling houses in Poland.

This paper describes part of a research programme on energy consumption in the Polish building sector. The work, carried out from 1980 to 1985, aimed at developing methods for measuring air flows and their influence on heat consumption in typic

Home insulation.

Investing in insulation is a good way to reduce energy consumption in the home. The homeowner must determine where adding insulation will be most cost effective. Attics are usually the place to start, followed by floors and walls. Since there is a wide variety of material on the market, thedo-it-yourselfer must choose carefully and install them with proper regard for ventilation and vapour barriers. Even if the work is performed by a contractor, the informed homeowner will benefit by his knowledge of materials and procedures.

Caulking and weatherstripping.

Factsheet focuses on some of the simplest and lowest cost measures available to both homeowners and renters for reducing heat loss. Gives basic information on methods and types of caulking and weatherstripping, including installation.

Passive solar heating - residential.

Aims to inform on the basic principles of passive solar design and describes some passive design options. Sections include the basics of passive solar (collection, storage), and design options for the homeowner (direct gain, indirect gain, isolated gain, thermosiphon air panels, double wall envelope).

Envelope house.

Factsheet gives information on the design of the envelope house, criticism of the envelope design, an explanation of envelope performance, special construction details, new ideas for the envelope house and economics of the envelope.
