International workshop on implementation of European directive on energy performance of buildings

As part of the European SAVE project ENPER, an international workshop on the implementation of the European Energy Performance Directive (EPD) was organised in Brussels on May, 19. Some 115 delegates from 21 countries attended this workshop. This directive obliges the Member states as well as the 10 candidate members to implement a range of regulatory measures regarding the energy performance assessment and certification of buildings. Presentations were made by the people listed above in the author grid.

Air quality in working areas. Some regulation aspects and prevention.

In France, air quality in working areas is a matter of preoccupation for both the industry and the welfare state, that is in charge with the application of the rules and regulations in that field. The Labour Legislation and the Institution of Prevention, bring advice and assistance to the companies and final users.20 practical guides dealing with ventilation are listed at the end of the article.

Mechanical ventilation in the new german regulation EnEV 2002 Maschinelle Wohnngslüftung vor dem Hinter-grund der Energieeinsparverordnung 2002

This article compares the requirements for mechanical ventilation systems in the new German regulation on energy savings (EnEV 2002) with those contained in the previous regulation (named WSchV 1995). It also gives information about the way to test and certify mechanical ventilation components according to this new regulation.

Training CD about the New French Thermal Regulations Réglementation Thermique 2000 - Mallette de formation

This CD gives information to understand and apply the new French Thermal Regulations RT 2000, which are applicable to new residential and commercial buildings and which mainly concern the calculation of energy consumption of buildings and comparison with reference values.
The CD includes the official texts of the regulations, a slide presentation of the regulations, software tools enabling the user to make sensitivity analysis of the calculation results to various parameters of the building.
