A questionnaire study (on ventilation, surface materials, heating and cooling) was performed on 3562 employees working in 32 buildings without previously known indoor air problems.The associations between symptom prevalence and building characteristics are reported in this paper.
The aim of the article is to study the effect of removing small airborne particles in an office building.The standard particle filters were replaced with highly efficient filters. Occupants answered questionnaire weekly and multiple environment measurements were done.The enhanced filtration reduced the concentration of smallest particles, symptoms were not reduced, but performance-related mental states improved.
The aim of that study is to establish the relationship between symptoms and report of building dampness and odors.A questionnaire was then sent to the inhabitants of 231 multi-family buildings of Stockholm, containing more than 4800 dwellings, with questions about : personal factors, symptoms, population density in the apartment, water leakage, odors, and signs of high indoor air humidity.A combination of odor and high humidities was linked to high occurrence of the symptoms : humidity in building is therefore associated to Sick building Syndrome.
In that study, formaldehyde exposures was examined in relation to asthma for young children in western Australia. An association was shown by comparing results of respiratory questionnaire and skin-prick test, and results of formaldehyde, average temperature and relative humidity measurements.
This paper is a sum up of 32 epidemiological studies (mainly concerning children) having a link between indoor pollutions and respiratory diseases. Data issued from questionnaires and data from environmental measurements from these studies are compared and analysed.
Associations between different characteristics of the dwellings and respiratory symptoms are found. On the other hand, for factors like sociodemographic environment, heating and cooking installations, the impact on respiratory health is inconstant.
Objective measurement, CFD modelling and subjective assessment have been used in that study to evaluate the thermal comfort of an air-conditoned lecture theatre in the tropics. The simulated parameters are temperature, airflow rate and relative humidity.The parameters were found in the limits of the comfort standard. Occupants' vote show that they were uncomfotable and dissatisfied.
The ambiometer is a tool that allows both the recording of physical parameters of comfort and sensations of the occupant.The method developed is based on field investigations of four components of comfort : thermal, acoustic, visual and olfactory components : the experiment comfort parameters are recorded with the Ambiometer and the occupant gives his own feeling on each comfort parameter and on overall comfort.A database including those physical and perceptive parameters of comfort has been made, information was collected from about sixty offices.
In the EDF comfort-laboratory, realistic environmental chambers have been designed, furnished and decorated like offices and flats. A large panel of representative consumers has been evaluated on their preferences in terms of comfort, in parallel a small panel of trained experts has carried out sensation measurements. Then a correlation between the data of both studies has been used to explain the preferences in terms of sensations (sensation mapping).
This paper presents the main findings of Project HIT.2000.25 supported by the Scientific Research Foundation of Harbin Institute of Technology, a field study of indoor climates and occupant comfort in 66 residential buildings in Harbin, located in northeastern China.
The investigation was made in a Finnish building built for people with respiratory diseases. During 3 years the main indoor air parameters were measured. In parallel a questionnaire to evaluate symptoms of the occupants and their satisfaction was conducted.The experiment proved that the use of low emitting building materials, along with a high quality control of the building practices during the contruction phases, gave full satisfaction to the occupants (decrease of their symptoms during the 3 year-occupancy).With low additional costs a high IAQ can be obtained.