Development of a standard test facility for evaluation of all types of air-to-air energy recovery systems.

Describes the development and qualification of a test facility for providing a uniform method for testing all types of HVAC air-to-air energy recovery systems. Describes test method. The facility can be used to test coil-loop (closed run-around) heat exchangers, twin-tower (open run-around) enthalpy type exchangers, heat pipe exchangers and plate type exchangers with air flowrates of up to 1900 l/s.

Test results and methods: residential air-to-air heat exchangers for maintaining indoor air quality and saving energy.

Gives a general description of air-to-air heat exchangers. Discusses criteria for measuring the performance of heat exchangers. Briefly discusses factors affecting actual performance. Describes the heat exchanger facility atLawrence Berkeley Laboratory. Reports tests on four commercially available heat exchangers and one home-made exchanger. Gives results of tests of effectiveness and airstream static pressure drop. Concludes that heat exchangers with performance characteristics superior to those tested can be manufactured for a reasonable cost.
