New theatre climate in Berne.

Describes factors to be taken into account for air conditioning and heating in a theatre. Nature and purpose of the building call for an adequate supply of conditioned outdoor air, with a total supply air rate up to 69,000 m3/h. Economical use of energy was stressed. Detailed description of the problems involved with the auditorium and stage shaft are given.

Stay indoors or evacuate to avoid exposure to toxic gas?

Evacuation of people from their homes and workplaces is a standard response to the hazards created by the release of toxic gas. However, by staying indoors a person can take advantage of the clean air stored within the house volume, as well as the damping the house provides for sudden changes in outdoor toxic gas concentration. The relation between indoor and outdoor concentration is explored in this study, where it is shown that in most cases the risk of exposure to high concentration levels is substantially reduced by remaining indoors during the entire period of toxic gas release.

Ventilation and occupant behaviour in two apartment buildings.

In this paper we approach the subject of ventilation and occupant behavior in multifamily buildings by asking three questions: 1) why and how do occupants interact with ventilation in an apartment building, 2) how does the physical environment (i.e., building characteristics and climate) affect the ventilation in an apartment, and 3) what methods can be used to answer the first two questions. To investigate these and other questions, two apartment buildings in Chicago were monitored during the 1985 - 1986 heating season.

Influence of the meteorological conditions on the inhabitants' behaviour in dwellings with mechanical ventilation.

Within the framework of the national research project "Ventilationin Housing Construction", studies on occupants ' ventilation behaviour were conducted in a demonstration building in Duisburg- Neumuhl (Federal Rep. of Germany) which also formed part of the project . Analyses were based on values measured from Jan, 1 - Dec. 31, 1984 in 24 flats with identical ground plans, all of which were equipped with mechanical ventilation systems.
