We consider the overnight evolution of an initial two-layer thermal stratification (a warmupper layer and a cooler lower layer) in an enclosure ventilated via openings at high and low levels.Results of our laboratory experiments show that an efficient displacement flow is not always established and four distinct ventilation flow regimes are observed depending on the ratio R (= at /ab ) of the upper opening area, at , and lower opening area, ab ( > 0). For a given initial stratification, displacement flow is established only if R is sufficiently small (i.e. at
Using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) techniques to model buoyancy-driven airflows hasalways proved challenging. This work investigates CFD modelling of buoyancy-driven natural ventilation flows in a single-storey space connected to an atrium. The atrium is taller than the ventilated space and when warmed by internal heat gains producing a column of warm air in the atrium and connect space drives a ventilation flow. Results of CFD simulations are compared with predictions of an analytical model and small-scale experiments [1].
The influence of thermal effects on the dispersion of a gas in a naturally-ventilated room is investigated using CFD in conjunction with measurements. The gas dispersion inside the room, with and without thermal effects, is characterised by a statistical analysis of the CFD-predicted gas concentrations at a large number of points across the room with a view to quantifying the thermal effects. It is concluded that even small temperature differences can lead to significantly different cross flow behaviour and rates of gas concentration decay at the relatively low air change rate considered.
We investigate two different natural ventilation regimes of an auditorium or other occupied open-plan space which is equipped with pre-cooling. The room has a low-level vent and a high level vent. The occupants act as a source of heat, which if without pre-cooling, can lead to the room becoming too warm for comfort. In the first ventilation regime, a chiller is fitted to the low-level vent, and the occupants provide positive buoyancy which drives the ventilation upwards and draws fresh air through the pre-cooling system.
A modified k-e model that restricts turbulent time scale using Durbin’s limiter was applied for numerical prediction of wind pressure distributions of building models. It is known that the standard k-e model tends to overestimate wind pressure of windward
In this paper, the development of a radiation module coupled with a previous 3D-CFD code is described. This module takes into account the radiative heat transfer between the active surfaces, including those relative to the occupants.
Nowadays the awareness concerning the environmental pollution and the demand of transparent facades in architecture, lead research in finding new solutions to increase the energy performances of the building and the installations as well. Among those, different kind of Double Skin Facades have been studied and several laboratories are still working on them to find a suitable way to apply this technology in buildings.
Calculations using CFD are presented for adventitious openings in which the flow is not fully developed. It is shown that the quadratic equation performs significantly better than the power law i.e. a recent claim that the power law equation is preferable to the quadratic equation under such circumstances is not supported. Other recent claims that have been made to support the power law in preference to the quadratic are also examined and reasons are given as to why they are unfounded for conditions of typical, naturally driven air infiltration.
A multizone air flows simulation code (IDA MAE) was used to evaluate a hybrid ventilation system (passive stack with assisting fans) in a Swedish school (9350 m2 - 20 classrooms), in the framework of the HYBVENT project (Annex 35 of IEA). Simulation was operated with 18 zones. Results show the sensitivity of air flows to changes in wind speed and direction.
Describes the thermal model available, both simple and complex and outlines capabilities and limitations. States that all of the models have limitations for use in standards, including the accuracy of the physical simulation and the accuracy of the inputs to the model. States that the biggest limitation is probably the accuracy with which comfort perceptions can be related to the physiological variables simulated in the thermal models.