What's the weather like in the guide?


Design models to handle radiative and convective exchange in a room.

The traditional handling method of handling heat exchange in a room for design purposes was to suppose that all heat from the plant, radiative as well as convective, was input at a so called "air temperature". This is an evident misnomer, since air temperature as such cannot drive longwave radiation as themodel actually assumed. The "environmental temperature" concept has been introduced in the UK to get round the difficulty. This paper presents an analysis of when an approach along these lines may be logically acceptable.

The CIBSE example weather year.

This paper summarises the work of the CIBSE Example Year Task Group. Its main task has been to develop a methodology for the selection of representative weather data. This data is required as input to the various procedures available for the estimation of the energy performance of buildings and their engineering systems. As a further aid to applying a consistent set of meteorological data as input to energy calculations, the Task Group's work has extended to the preparation of a set of algorithms for calculating psychrometric properties 

Transient modelling of indoor air quality.

