Air quality measurements in low leakage houses

Results of air quality measurements are presented for a group of low-leakage houses located in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. A total of 46 houses were tested for formaldehyde, nitrogen dioxide, radon, and humidity levels. The median level of formalde

A study on indoor radon

The results of our investigations in the Federal Republic of Germany on the Rn-222 and Rn-220 daughter product concentration in dwellings and in the open air are presented. The median Rn-222 concentration indoors was approximately 4 times hig

Tracing of radon leakages

In Sweden there are two major sources to indoor radon, the building material and radon from uranium rich soils. It is now widely accepted that indoor radon daughter concentration in Sweden, higher than 1000 Bq/m3 is most frequently caused by

Assessment of additional exposures and risks from airtightening of homes in an Alpine area with high radon emanation

In large areas of the Swiss Alps, the high radium content of rocks and soil, which results in high source terms for radon from the ground, may produce considerable indoor levels of radon in dwellings with low air infiltration. During the winter

Thermographic identification of building enclosure defects and deficiencies. Canada NRCB Digest 229.

Provides a brief introduction to infrared theory and its application in building analysis, and describes some typical building faults that may be identified by thermographic inspection.

Radon in Swiss housing. Radon in Wohnraumen in der Schweiz

Describes the aims, methods and results of a preliminary study into radon in Swiss house carried out 1981/82. In the winter of 1981/82 three Karlsruhe type passive radon dosimeters were exposed in each of 123 dwellings in selected regions of Switzerland and the results evaluated in summer 1982. Thedosimeters were normally placed in the cellar, living room and a bedroom. Gives figures for the average radon concentrations in the rooms. Notes marked regional differences caused by different geological formations.

Methods for measurement of air flow rates in ventilation systems

Presents methods for the measurement of air flow rates, including methods for measuring flow in ducts, at exhaust and supply air devices and for air change rates for using tracer gas.

Measurements of air flows through cracks between building components

Describes a simple device which pressurises an enclosed volume of air adjacent to individual components in the building fabric. The air flow through the crackage is measured and the interdependence of the flow rate and pressure is examined. Windows, floors, loft traps and suspended ceilings are examined. A simple relationship is found to be applicable to individual components but no universal relationship is found for a general range of components with superficially similar cracks.

Thermotechnical modernisation of the Limmatstrasse housing development, Zurich. Warmetechnische Sanierung der Wohnkolonie Limmatstrasse, Zurich.

Describes the housing development comprising 224 apartments in three courtyards built in 1908. Provides a detailed description of the thermal modernisation measures and their monitoring from 1974 to 1982, permitting the systematic observation of the situation before, during and after modernisation. The present report concentrates on the measurements carried out from June 1980 to the end of May 1982. Four of the apartment buildings each containing 10 apartments were treated as test buildings with experimental energy conserving installations and constructional measures.
