Laboratory investigation of timber frame walls with an exterior air barrier in a temperate climate

Recently, the requirements regarding global building airtightness to reduce the exfiltration losses became more severe as result of the trend towards very low energy buildings and Passive Houses. These very strict requirements regarding airtightness are currently achieved with an interior air barrier, which is labour intensive and consequently expensive. At the same time it is observed that new wind barrier solutions - to reduce windwashing of the insulation - can have a major contribution to the global airtightness of timber frame constructions.

Energy efficiency in California laboratory type facilities.

The central aim of this project i s to provide knowledge and tools for increasing the energy efficiency and performance of new and existing laboratory-type facilities in California. We approach the task along three avenues: (1) identification of current energy use and savings potential, (2) development of A Design Guide for Energy-Efficient Research Laboratories, and (3) development of a research agenda for focused technology development and for improving our understanding of the market 

Energy efficient research laboratories.



The air quality in laboratories has a profound affect on occupant health and safety. Reducing the timeof exposure and the amount of contaminant can improve the occupant environment and have directimpact on health and safety. In this study, a novel ventilation system which introduces benchexhausts is proposed. The system offers the potential for application in new and existing researchlaboratories to effectively remove airborne contaminants at the bench using a technology that is costeffective and efficient.

Energetic effects of demand - controlled ventilation retrofitting in a biochemical laboratory building

The main objective of the demonstration project LabSan is the innovative energetic retrofitting of a research laboratory building (3724 m² net floor area) which can serve as an outstanding and guiding example for a large number of existing laboratory buil

Development of an advanced supply air filter

An advanced supply air filtration unit has been developed, and its performance was evaluatedin the laboratory. The filter consists of an electrically enhanced particle filter and an adsorbentfilter for gases. It has been designed for installation near supply air outlets. The performanceof the filtration unit was measured in the laboratory. The results showed that the filtrationefficiency for submicron particles was over 95% during the whole lifetime of the filter. Theremoval efficiency of the gas filter for toluene was also high, over 95%.

Modelling of indoor concentrations of ultra-fine particles based on laboratory measurements

The objective of the present study is to apply and test a mathematical model for thedetermination of the strength of various indoor sources of ultra-fine particles (UFP), and thesink effect for such particles. The model is intended for further development in order to createa tool capable of predicting the concentrations of fine and ultra-fine particles in a room. Inputdata to the model are the ventilation rate, emission rates of ultra-fine particles from differentindoor sources and properties describing sink effects. Laboratory measurements of 10 indoorsources (e.g.

The international laboratory for indoor air technology at NTNU and SINTEF

This paper intends to answer the folllowing question : Why a laboratory on Indoor Air technology ?Some good reasons are that the HVAC sector in Norway is facing an increasingly difficult situation :. need of major renovation for schools and hospitals, . limited resources available for research and development in small and medium-sized enterprises.. Number of students graduating from the university with an HVAC degree has been steadity decreasing..

Application of control charts for detecting faults in Variable-Air-Volume boxes

This paper describes a fault detection method developed for application to variable-air-volume (VAV) boxes. VPACC (VAV Box Performance Assessment Control Charts) is a fault detection tool that uses a small number of control charts to assess the performance of VAV boxes. The underlying
approach, while developed for a specific type of equipment and control sequence, is general in nature and can be adapted to other types of VAV boxes. VPACC has been tested using emulation,

The use of fume hood measurements in the risk assessment and management of laboratory work.

The classification of fume hoods in laboratories was conducted as a occupational protection part of risk assessment and management procedure. The fume hoods (n = 296) in laboratories were classified according to the observed face velocities. Classification scheme included descriptions of recommended use. Only 30 % of fume hoods were recommended for normal laboratory duties and 7 % were recommended not at all to be used.
