Relative humidity analysis, retrofitting the Sint-Pieterschurch in Ghent

The Sint-Pieterschurch in the city of Ghent is one of the largest churches of the city. It was built in the 17th century. The city council wants to use the church not only for its religious functions, but also for cultural activities as concerts and exhibitions. To be able to do this the thermal comfort of the visitors has to be guaranteed. At this moment the church has no central heating system. Gas heaters are used during services. Installing a central heating system will influence the humidity and moisture behaviour of the church.

Impact of indoor air temperature and humidity in an office on perceived air quality, SBS symptoms and performance

This paper presents the results of a field experiment made on 30 female office workers : they were investigated on their perception of environmental conditions and the intensity of the Sick Building Symptoms if any, at 3 levels of temperature and humidity, and 2 levels of ventilation rate.
The conclusion is that working conditions improved when subjects worked at slightly lower levels of air temperature and humidity.

Predicting indoor temperature and humidity conditions including hygrothermal interactions with the building envelope

The hygrothermal behavior of the building envelope affects the overall performance of a building. There are numerous tools for the simulation of the heat and moisture transfer in the building envelope and also whole building simulation tools for energy calculations.

Moderating indoor conditions with hygroscopic building materials and outdoor ventilation

This paper contains a numerical study of the indoor temperature, humidity, and comfort and indoor air quality conditions in a bedroom located in Saint Hubert, Belgium. The performance of the bedroom is presented for a range of constant outdoor ventilation rates (0.1 ach to 1 ach) with and

Evaluation of moisture buffer effects by performing whole-building simulations

The humidity of rooms and the moisture conditions of materials in the enclosure of buildings depend much on each other because of the moisture exchange that takes place over the interior surfaces. These moisture influences also depend strongly on the thermal conditions of indoor spaces and enclosure elements of buildings. In turn, the moisture and humidity conditions have significant impact on how buildings are operated.

Indoor humidity modeling and evaluation of condensation on interior surfaces

In tropical humid climates, moisture and condensation on walls lead to significant damage of buildings. The purpose of this article is to present a numerical model to improve the prediction of internal humidity in buildings. Thermal simulation codes usually evaluate moisture due only to airflow transfers. The model presented takes into account the moisture transfers between walls and air inside a zone. It allows a forecast of the quantities of liquid condensed on a surface. An experimental comparison is presented to appreciate the improvement of the model.

Dampness in buildings as a risk factor for health effects, EUROEXPO : a multidisciplinary review of the literature (1998 - 2000) on dampness and mite exposure in buildings and health effects

Both in domestic and public environments, dampness in buildings is a risk factor for health effects. A European group of scientists has reviewed the literature on that subject including mite exposure over the period 1998-2000. That review has shown that there is a huge need for multidisciplinary reviews in scientific papers including associations between indoor environmental factors and health effects.

AIVC/BETEC conference Washington - October 2003 -

This paper is the summary of the 2003 AIVC/BETEC conference with its different parts: Health and Building Science, Building evaluation, Single-building studies, Experimentation, Building science, Strategies and New directions.

Indoor air quality in two different commercial buildings: Part 1: ventilation, temperature, humidity of air and gas concentrations

The main objective of this study was to investigate the Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) in officebuildings and to understand better how HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air-conditioning)systems work and what their effects are on IAQ over a sustained period. Two Frenchcommercial buildings were chosen, located in urban areas of Lyon and Paris, and for one daya month, over the course of 1 year, a number of IAQ related variables were recorded bothinside, including the HVAC system, and outside the buildings.

Subjective experiments on the effects of relative humidity and humidity ratio during summer season

In order to clarify the effects on comfort and health of relative humidity and humidity ratio,subjective experiments were conducted in a climate chamber in Japan during the summer of2002. Fifteen subjects were exposed for 180 min, while being engaged in simulated officeworks and questionnaires. The experiments were conducted at a constant SET* (StandardNew Effective Temperature) with six different humidity conditions, namely [30%RH/6.13 g/kg],[37%RH/6.13 g/kg], [37%RH/7.45 g/kg], [45%RH/7.45 g/kg], [45%RH/8.97 g/kg],[55%RH/8.97 g/kg].
