Advice on building - heating and ventilating. Byggrad - varme och ventilation.

Illustrated booklet for the layman on heating and ventilation in housing which discusses the following: oil heating, wood firing, electrical heating, district heating, heat pumps, solar collectors for domestic hot water, ventilation systems, natural ventilation, mechanical ventilation, push-pull systems, heat exchangers, fans. Appendix discusses measurement of oil-fired system efficiency.

Avoiding condensation and mould growth in existing housing with the minimum energy input.

Detailed studies of public sector modernisation programmes show that the principal problem resulting from lack of thermal insulation and inappropriate methods of heating and ventilation is condensation and mould growth. Gives the optimum air change rate (for dwellings with particular heat loss characteristics) at which the heat input necessary to prevent the RH rising is at a minimum. The resulting temperatures are too low to be considered comfortable, so air change rates need to be less than the optimum.


Reviews methods of energy conservation in factories. States that excessive infiltration is unlikely to be the cause of high energy consumption, but that the most significant loads imposed by infiltration probably occur through open loading bays. Suggests the installment of double door lobbies to overcome this. Says the ideal factory heating system would include mechanical ventilation, with outside air mixed with warm "roof level" air. Describes potential sources of energy wastage and ways of rectifying this situation.

Air heating - a total solution for low-energy buildings. Luftvarme - en totallosning for energisnala bostader.

Discusses air heating and detached houses. Reviews current thinking in Finland and possible developments in Sweden.

Building energy use compilation and analysis (BECA): An international comparison and critical review. Part A: New residential buildings.

The potential for energy consevation in space heating of new residential buildings is characterized using results from computer analysis, and from a survey of low-energy houses. Simulations of the energy requirements of a proto-type house in the USA at different levels of conservation show that much higher levels of conservation then those presently employed in new houses result in minimum life-cycle costs.

Natural and/or mechanical ventilation. Naturliche und/oder mechanische luftung.

In most office buildings, the continuous renewal of air cannot be guaranteed by means of ventilation through windows during any optional time. It is known (in the case of radiators and window ventilation) that when a window is open the ventilating heat cannot be recovered and other heat losses will occur.< The paper proves that the heating of a building by air is a greater energy saver then the conventional solution through static heating and window ventilation.

Tracer gas measurement in an office. Spangasmatuingar i ett rontovsrum.

Reports on research project to study the effects of different methods of heating an office, temperature and draught conditions, ventilation efficiency and heat storage in joint structures. Gives test room digramatically and tracer gas concentration under different conditions, both during summer andwinter.

Improvement of seasonal efficiency of residential heating systems.

Reports recent studies showing that seasonal efficiency of oil-fired residential heating systems is in the range 55-75% compared with steady-state efficiency of 80% or more. Finds this is due to effect of off-period draughts and of excess combustion air and draught control air on the infiltration loss for the structure. Discusses ways of improving efficiency. Finds sealed combustion systems may offer operating cost savings.
