Transfer of ultrafine particles and air in multi-storey buildings

An emerging issue in Denmark is passive smoking in residential buildings where non-smokers are exposed to harmful smoke from their neighbours. There are various ways that smoke infiltrates from one flat to another. The air infiltration rate between two flats in a multi-storey building depends on its construction, tightness and age.

A study on the characteristics of airflow in a full scale room with a slot wall inlet beneath the ceiling.

Symmetry is not a sufficient condition for the design of a ventilated room to generate two-dimensional airflow. Three-dimensional effects were observed in a symmetrically designed 3m x 5m x 8.5m test mom having a 0.019m slot inlet opening height under the ceiling in the one end wall. The ceiling jet velocity profile measured in the symmetric plane agreed well with the jet models for two-dimensional !low, but large differences were found out of the symmetric plane.

An Experimental Study on Chair Air Supplying

Displacement ventilation is acknowledged to be an efficient system for the removal of contaminants and excess heat from occupied zones of rooms, this system is aiming at supplying clean undiluted supply-air directly to the zone of occupation. Air flow rate, temperature and the design of the supply device strongly influence the parameters that determine thermal comfort. In the paper, one kind of displacement ventilation systems - ohair air supplying system is investigated.

Test Room and Measurement System for Active Displacement Air Distribution

A test room and measurement system were developed for the full-scale measurements of the active displacement air distribution. The room represents a 3-meter wide module of a larger hall. The requirements for the room included minimisation of the errors caused by air leaks, thermal conductance and flow obstacles. The measurement of the flow pattern is carried out with ultrasonic and thermal anemometers. Automated traversing system was built to move the sensors in the vertical symmetry plane of the room.