HVAC - The importance of clean intake section and dry air filter in cold climate

In this paper, practical recommendations for design and operation of HVAC systems are presented. The result of a proper maintenance will be less pollution and a better indoor environmental quality.

Design parameters for the performance assessment of hybrid residential ventilation systems

This paper summarizes the work within the EU RESHYVENT project in regard to design parameters for the performance assessment of hybrid ventilation systems. A framework for performance assessment based on simulation was developed. Performance criteria were defined for air flows, indoor air quality, thermal comfort, acoustics, energy, and emissions.

Potentiel de la ventilation naturelle en site urbain Potentiality of the natural ventilation in urban site

The aim of this paper is to give an overview of the work carried out during three years with URBVENT project and to present its main issues: - to provide methodologies and accompanying software tools to assess the potential and feasibility of natural ventilation - to design optimal openings for efficient naturally ventilated buildings.The different partners of this project are: five European University laboratories, two technical centers and one industrial company.

Best practices for selecting diffusers

As the office environment is always changing new ways of looking at diffuser selection is mandatory.Changes in the office air delivery system may be due to new building codes/regulations, or to changing interior loads.New technologies allow innovative manners to treat heating and cooling needs. Some strategies may be used in retrofitting.

Design of a low noise axial fan

This paper is a description of the design process of a new generation low noise axial fan. The emphasis is on the practical use of acoustic knowledge issued from published work and engineer know-how. The use of date issued from numerical simulation is also presented.

Three approaches to replacement air delivery

This article focuses on the replacement air component for atrium smoke exhaust, including comparisons of three design approaches. The concepts are illustrated by case studies.

Sizing VAV boxes

This article sums up a detailed analysis of variable air volume (VAV) box control. Sizing criteria are provided in order to minimize the life-cycle cost in typical application.

Methods and methodological tools for the elaboration of natural ventilation strategy

The efficacy of a natural ventilation strategy is essentially conditioned by the sizing ofcomponents on which the airflow control depends. The indoor environment conditioning issubmitted to strict regulation. The implementation of the natural ventilation strategy is relatedto the building layout; therefore, the devices sizing is important for the architect. On the basisof the loop equation proposed by James Axley, we developed a simple sizing tool.

Design methods for air distribution systems and comparison between mixing ventilation and displacement ventilation

The paper will discuss design models for the air distribution system in an office with twopersons. The comparisons are made between mixing ventilation and displacement ventilationand they are based on a maximum velocity assumption and a restricted vertical temperaturegradient in the room. The comparison is extended by considering both the local discomfortcaused by draught rating (DR) and the percentage of dissatisfied due to the temperaturegradient (PD).

A breath of fresh air (natural ventilation strategies for indoor air quality)

Natural controlled ventilation is often ignored when buildings are designed. It is importantthat architects, property developers both commercial and residential, designers, engineers andthe general public be aware of guidelines (readily available) for proper indoor air quality.Mechanical engineers should realize that introducing supplemental fresh air ventilation intoheating, ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC) systems aids in improving indoor air qualityand often maximizes the efficiency of the HVAC systems.
