Airtightness Quality Management scheme in France: Assessment after 5 years operation

From 2006 till 2012, the 2005 energy performance (EP) regulation (RT 2005) did not entail any obligation to justify the envelope airtightness level. As a consequence, asking for the certification of airtightness quality management approaches was a voluntary request from constructors. Thus, they might be allowed to take into account a better-than-default value into the thermal calculation. Since 2012, French 2012 EP regulation (RT 2012) requires building airtightness level to be justified, with two ways of justification.

Quality Management Approach to Improve Buildings Airtightness Requirements and Verification

In France, starting on January 1st, 2013, a minimum airtightness value for all residential building will be required by the energy performance regulation (RT 2012). It will be compulsory to justify for any new residential building that its airtightness is below 0.6m3/h.m² at 4 Pa (Q4Pa_surf) for single-family houses and 1 m3/h.m² for multi-family buildings. 

Rotary heat exchanger model for control and energy calculations

Rotary heat recovery exchangers are widely used in ventilation systems, and the units are known for their high efficiency and almost maintenance-free operation. Temperature efficiencies above 80% are not uncommon. Performing dynamical analyses of rotary heat exchangers are in many situations advantageous, especially in connection to installation of such equipment in VAV systems. Efficiencies and flows are varying parameters that are crucial for energy calculations, but also for control. The dynamical analysis can effectively be carried out by addressing a dynamical model.


Heating and cooling of buildings may be done by water based radiant systems, where pipes areembedded in the concrete slabs between each storey. Hundreds of buildings with such systems arenow being constructed or are in operation in Europe.Because these types of systems are using the building mass for heating and cooling it is oftenquestioned how the systems should be controlled and operated. The present paper presents aparametric study of different control and operation concepts for both cooling (summer) and heating(winter) periods.

SIMUBEMS: An educational tool on control techniques

This paper describes an educational tool developed at LASH ENTPE (France) laboratory. Theobjective of this tool, called SIMUBEMS, is to familiarize ENTPE students with control techniques andallows performing simulations in order to test heating and ventilation control strategies.An office building equipped with an HVAC system has been used to carry out the simulations. Themodelled zone is 9 m long, 6 m large and 2.5 m height and has large glazed faade.

Energy Efficient Lighting Solutions

The IEA, section ECBCS (Energy Conservation in Buildings and Community systems), has launched the project Annex 45 ‘Energy Efficient Electric Lighting for Buildings’, of which subtask B deals with innovative technical solutions. Part of the work is to def

Computer-aided boiler design

In 1993, the R & D Division launched the IntelChaud project with a view to improving the comfort provided by individual gas-fired boilers used for domestic hot water production. This study was conducted in partnership with two French boiler manufacturers and was therefore applied to two particular cases. The work performed for this study has led to substantial improvements in boiler control through the use of sophisticated numerical control systems.

Prediction and Control of Temperature in Air-Conditioned Indoor Spaces Using Proper Orthogonal Decomposition

A method for controlling the temperature of the occupancy zone in a room equipped with a fan coil ispresented. The heterogeneity of the air velocity field and the temperature distribution is considered. As it leads to a system with a great number of differential equations, the Proper OrthogonalDecomposition is applied to build a low order model. Moreover, the value given by a sensor oftemperature enables the estimation of the temperature in the occupancy zone with a state estimator.The performances of the model are shown through the first results of simulation.

Assessment of Ventilation’s Control Strategies adapted to Large Buildings

The absolute necessity of air renewal to maintain indoor air quality and thermal comfort in buildingsfaces the major issue of energy consumption reduction and optimisation in building sector. Manystudies carried out so far point out the performances improved thanks to the recourse to ventilationstrategies and control algorithms in the aim of optimising the energy consumption of air renewal, butvery few of them could assess the performances in the particular case of large buildings despite thepotential energy gains it represents considering the great volume and huge air flow rates induced.

Impact of the control of shading devices on the thermal behaviour of large highly-glazed spaces

Evidence suggests that a significant number of large highly-glazed spaces have major design flaws that lead to energy wastage and discomfort. Provision to control solar gains are generally insufficient in these buildings, which can lead to excessively high temperatures during the summer. Besides, the solutions implemented to overcome these issues usually have a high energy cost, whereas passive techniques may well limit these problems. This paper deals with design issues related to solar protections.
