Extract fan flow rates resulting in spillage.


Monitoring of automatic diagnostic sensors for oil-fired heating equipment.

In 1989, Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation entered into a joint venture initiative to field  est three diagnostic devices for  oil fired heating equipment. These devices include:

  • a Flame Quality Indicator
  • a net peak stack temperature sensor
  • an oxygen sensor


Spillage test results from gas and oil fired boilers.

Spillage of combust ion products from open f lued combust ion appliances represents a source of indoor air pollutants which can cause danger to health. Air extract fans are installed in kitchens in order to remove moisture and cooking smells, but the room depressurisation which they create is a potential cause of spillage. A series of experiments was therefore set up to determine the fan flow rate and internal/external pressure difference at which spillage first occurred in different open flued gas and oil boilers.

Fireplace air requirements.

