The IEA Annex 18 Demand Controlled Ventilating Systems-(DCV-Systems) with 9 participants are just in the middle of the work. Reviews are indicating energy conservation possibilities in the range of 8-40% in experiments and even more in theoretical studies. Most of the case studies will start this autumn with sensor tests, test room studies, and trials in occupied spaces. In the testrooms will be simulated the conditions in dwellings ---and offices with various ventilating systems. Almost 30 occupied buildings will be involved in tests in dwellings, offices, auditoria, and schools.
Describes factors to be taken into account for air conditioning and heating in a theatre. Nature and purpose of the building call for an adequate supply of conditioned outdoor air, with a total supply air rate up to 69,000 m3/h. Economical use of energy was stressed. Detailed description of the problems involved with the auditorium and stage shaft are given.