Although there are many simple infiltration models already available none of them have an appropriate method of dealing with what is often the single largest leak in a building; a furnace or fireplace flue. Flues are different from the distributed leakage used in simple in filtration models. Flues represent 10% to 30% of the total building leakage all of which is concentrated at one location above the ceiling height.
Air Infiltration in Norwegian buildings has been an unknown parameter. This paper is based on results from measurements in nine different buildings in Norway.
The task of this study is not the analysis of these influences when calculating the heat losses. Instead the influence of wind and temperature on the total heat losses at 1% probability exceedance of the heat losses is being investigated. Thecalculation is based on the correlation of the outdoor temperature, the wind speed and its direction, the transmission coefficient correlation and the air-leakage of the curtain wall.
A range of calculation techniques is available for the calculation of air infiltration and ventilation in buildings. The choice is largely dependent on intended application, while the level of complexity ranges from straightforward empirical techniques to detailed multi-zone numerical methods. The objective of this article is to outline some of the techniques currently available and to indicate the purposes for which they are most suited.
In Finland, there are three main topics in the field of air infiltration research: * simulation and measurement of air-leakage rates in building components and in buildings as a whole * airtightness and indoor air quality (thermal comfort) * thermal effects of air flow in building components. Goes on todiscuss aspects of air infiltration research in Finland.
Recent statistics1 show that the annual primary energy consumption per person in Japan is 31.0 Gcals (129.8 GJ). Almost 25% of this energy demand is divided equally among the commercial and residential sectors, with secondary energy usage per dwelling amounting to 8.3 Gcals (34.8 GJ). This value is aquarter of that of the United States and one half of that of European developed countries.
The Air Infiltration Centre is but one of many projects inaugurated by the International Energy Agency. This article presents some general information on the IEA and its energy conservation programme and gives details of three projects relating to air infiltration and ventilation in buildings.