
The inter- and multidisciplinary research area of indoor exposure and health in EU and worldwide covers practical and scientific aspects ranging from technical to medical research disciplines. The overall scientific area can be split into six areas of special focus: (a) exposure measurements, (b) health effects, (c) buildings science and design, (d) exposure modeling, (e) indoor air quality control and (f) exposure risk assessment and management.


The focus of the activity is urban & indoor air pollution exposure assessment, seen as part of human health risk assessment and also considering the needs of urban and indoor air quality management. Specific examples of the working areas of ECA are:


Physical and Chemical Exposure Unit Exposure Modelling and Environmental Noise Group


The focus of the activity is urban & indoor air pollution exposure assessment, seen as part of human health risk assessment and also considering the needs of urban and indoor air quality management. Specific examples of the working areas of ECA are:

BUILD UP overview paper on ventilative cooling available!

Ventilative cooling refers to the use of natural or mechanical ventilation strategies to cool indoor spaces. The use of outside air reduces the energy consumption of cooling systems while maintaining thermal comfort. The most common technique is the use of increased ventilation airflow rates and night ventilation, but other technologies may be considered as well. Ventilative cooling is applicable in a wide range of buildings and may be critical to realise low energy targets for renovated or new Nearly Zero-Energy Buildings (NZEBs).


What is VIP about

Ventilation Information Papers (VIP) are a series of short AIVC publications (6 to 8 pages) intended for giving a basic knowledge of some aspects related to the air infiltration and/or the ventilation.

AIVC, TightVent and venticool networks


The TightVent network was launched in January 2011 with a specific focus on building and ductwork airtightness. The 2011, 2012 and 2013 AIVC conferences were combined with the 1st, 2nd and 3rd TightVent conference. In addition, there are several AIVC projects dealing with the topic of airtightness whereby TightVent is involved.




This section includes AIVC’s collection of Ventilation Information Papers (VIP), technical notes, guides and handbooks, annotated bibliographies, literature lists and contributed reports. If you want to have an overview by series, please click here



Since 2011, the AIVC publishes twice a year a 4-page newsletter. In between 2 issues of the AIVC newsletter the venticool and TightVent are published. In practice, you receive a newsletter on average bi monthly  dealing with ventilation, airtightness and ventilative cooling. These newsletters aim to keep you informed on the progress of the various projects as well as to learn about initiatives (publications, events, etc.) of interest.
