June 2018 marks the completion of the International Energy Agency's Energy in Buildings and Communities Programme (IEA- EBC) Annex 62 Ventilative
, after a four-year working period, with the last year mainly focused on finalising the project's deliverables.
A proposal for a new Annex on Resilient Cooling, has now been submitted for approval within the IEA-EBC Executive Committee. The participants at the 39th AIVC - 7th TightVent & 5th venticool joint conference: "Smart ventilation for buildings" in Juan-les-Pins, France on 18-19 September 2018, will be able to attend a topical session devoted to this subject.
This venticool newsletter highlights our recent and joint activities including detailed information on past and upcoming events and announcements of newly released publications in the field of ventilative cooling and beyond.
To find out more about our activities, please visit our website, follow us on twitter and Linked In and subscribe to our monthly newspaper "Energy Efficiency and Indoor Climate in Buildings".

Release date

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Newsletter free version (public)