The contribution of a solar air heater collector to the cooling load in a Building

Over the last few decades, there is a clear target for reducing energy needs in the building sector. The above objective can be achieved both by renovating the existing building stock and/or by constructing new buildings that will meet the characteristics of zero or nearly zero energy buildings. In order to construct or renovate a building into a zero or almost zero energy building, different passive, active and hybrid systems can be used. One such system is a solar air heater collector.

Energy-Environmental Efficiency in the Integrated Design of a School Building in Imola, Italy

The Municipality of Imola is strongly committed to environmental friendly and energy consciouspolicies both at urban planning level and public building design. In particular, the latest constructionplan of a new junior High School building has given a chance for checking an environmentally sound and energy conscious approach on the architectural and technological design development of an educational building.