International Building Simulation Conference 2001, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Contains 153 papers

Volume content

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This paper describes novel high-performance visualization techniques for reviewing time dependent data common to building simulation.
Daniel C.Glaser, M. Susan Ubbelohde
This    paper    summarizes    the    recently concluded PhD study by the first author. The study addressed uncertainties in building performance evaluations and their potential impact on design decisions.
Sten de Wit, Godfried Augenbroe
This  paper  describes  a  new  approach  of  using simulation directly in construction industry in Czech Republic.
Terezie Dunovská and Jan Hensen
The design of buildings is a multi-criterion optimization problem, there always being a trade- off to be made between capital expenditure, operating cost, and occupant thermal comfort.
Jonathan Wright and Heather Loosemore
This paper refers to the existence of the variety modes and 'Chaos' in building natural ventilation or smoke venting, systems, and provides the some computational instances by means of the network model.
Katsumichi Nitta
Computer models used to predict building heating and cooling energy and occupant thermal comfort at present rely on climate data collected at a remote meteorological station.
Terry J. Williamson1 and Evyatar Erel
This work is a multidisciplinary approach of natural ventilation in hot and humid climates. Our aim is the control of thermal comfort in tropical towns. We evaluate the natural ventilation potential of different shapes of the dense housing.
Frédéric Bonneaud, Marjorie Musy and Patrick Depecker
A adaptive controller was devised and implemented within the ESP-r simulation program to support the conflation of CFD with dynamic whole-building thermal simulation.
Ian Beausoleil-Morrison
This paper provides an overview of how building simulation is used to support a Canadian Govern- ment energy-efficient incentive programme.
Ian Beausoleil-Morrison, Rob Calla, Maria Mottillo, Julia Purdy, Paul Wyndham-Wheeler, Phylroy Lopez, Francois Dubrous, Mike Lubun
This  paper  discusses  the  use  of  multiple  building performance simulation tools to support the design of a state-of-the-art intelligent library building in Singapore.
Khee Poh Lam, Nyuk Hien Wong and Sekhar Chandra
In low energy dwellings the ventilation heat losses are significant. Reducing this heat losses can be done by introducing demand controlled ventilation i.e.
J.C. Römer
Energy demand of different glazing materials and light control systems for office spaces are analyzed in this paper.
Franco Gugliermetti, Luciano Santarpia and Fabio Bisegna
The present  work  deals with  the  determination  of a mathematical correlation for conductivity in the fully water-saturated state in  terms  of  dry-basis conductivity and porosity.
Nathan Mendes, Celso P. Fernandes, Paulo C. Philippi and Roberto Lamberts
This  paper  describes  the  "Self-aware  Buildings" (SAB) project. This is an effort to advance the state of knowledge and technology in the area of environmentally conscious and user-sensitive integrated building control systems.
Ardeshir Mahdavi, Rohini Brahme, Smita Gupta
In   this   work,   the   results   obtained   during   the monitoring of a building together with the adjustment curves achieved with the numeric simulation program SIMEDIF are presented.
Alejandro Hernandez, Nahuel Salvo, Marcelo Gea, Graciela Lesino
This paper presents experimental data for the temperature stratification established within a full-scale enclosure, for the natural displacement ventilation flow driven by a source of buoyancy at floor level within the space with air as the workin
S. A. Howell and I. Potts
In   this   paper,   we   present   a   new  method   of combining ASHRAE Room Energy Balance Method with 3-d airflow modeling to estimate the thermal comfort conditions of the emerging air- conditioning system that combines radiant cooling and de
J.L Niu, H.G Zuo, J. Burnett
In  this  paper,  the  impact  of  a  veranda  (attached sunspace) on energy consumption is analyzed by numerical simulations (Clim2000 software) for two different configurations : a (existing) residential individual house and a (new) apartment bu
R. Chareille, JJ. Roux, D. Covalet, O. Hartmann
We give an overview of how windows are modeled in the EnergyPlus whole-building energy simulation program. Important features include layer-by-layer input of custom glazing, ability to accept spectral or spectral-averaged glass optical properties,
Frederick C. Winkelmann
The aim of this work was to develop a simple model to predict the electric energy consumption of office buildings artificially air-conditioned, for  14 (fourteen) Brazilian cities (Belém, Brasília, Curitiba, Florianópolis, Fortaleza, Maceió, Natal
Regis Signor, Fernando Simon Westphal, Roberto Lamberts
