The Energy Resources Center (ERC) at the University of Illinois at Chicago conducted an energy assessment to determine the peak cooling loads of the Museum of Science and Industry (MSI) as part of MSI’s Long Term Development Plan.
IBPSA 2001 - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
International Building Simulation Conference 2001, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Contains 153 papers
Volume content
Determining baseling energy consumption and peak cooling loads of a 107-year-old science museum using DOE 2.1E | 2001 | English
Computer simulation Of measurement methods can give in-depth information on the possible effect of a wide variety of parameters on measurement results.
In addition to the fact that the serviceability of building constructions used as exhibition halls has to be ensured, the climate stability of the whole structure has to be increased.
Technological advances in real-time data collection,data transfer and ever-increasing computational power are bringing simulation assisted control and on-line fault detection and diagnosis closer to reality than was imagined when Building Energy M
During the past few years, our research team has developed techniques to solve problems associated with designing a collaborative evaluation performance tool environment.
This paper will describe a simulation experiment designed to benchmark the use of separate electric driven chiller plants for a nominal 100,000 sq.
Over the last fifteen years, there have been a number of UK initiatives which facilitated practitioner access to simulation programs (e.g. Clarke and Maver 1991; McElroy et al 1997).
A new building energy simulation program developed under support from the US government was released in April 2001.
This paper addresses the utility and the difficulties to predict the actual energy consumption of existing buildings, that can be useful to calculate true energy conservation potential taking into account the real usage of the building.
Classical building simulators are typically based on global systems of differential equations that model the physical reality and are numerically solved at runtime. In this paper we propose a new approach.
The aim of this work is to present a computer application that was developed to be a user-friendly interface that simplifies the manipulation of weather data files.
Building geometry is essential to any simulation of building performance. This paper examines from the users’ point of view the importing of building geometry into simulation of energy performance.
A methodology for micro-level building thermal analysis: combining CFD experimental Set-ups | 2001 | English
Physical and computational simulations have been combined within a unique framework for the aim of establishing a methodology for micro-level building thermal analysis.
Application of the state-of-the-art computer simulation and visualization in architectural lighting research | 2001 | English
The paper discusses the technical features of the physically based computer simulation/visualization techniques for architectural lighting research. Potentials and limitations are evaluated in terms of input, algorithms, output, and analysis tools
A strategy to provide computacional support for the selection of energy saving building components | 2001 | English
This paper describes a strategy to provide computational support for the selection of energy saving building components.
This paper argues that analytical approaches (i.e., simulation) and inductive learning methods (i.e., neural networks) can cooperate to facilitate a daylight responsive lighting control strategy.
Analyzing thermal performance of building envelope components using 2-D heat transfer tool with detailed radiation modeling | 2001 | English
THERM is a freely available, user-friendly twodimensional heat transfer model for analyzing the impacts of thermal bridges in building components such as windows and doors.
It is becoming a popular practice for architects and HVAC engineers to simulate airflows in and around buildings by Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) methods in order to predict indoor and outdoor environments.
The lack of widespread use of building environmental design decision support tools in architecture appears to be because the tools are often too simplistic.
An observational study on thermal environment and energy conservation in an office building with modern conveniences | 2001 | English
In this paper we report the findings of a survey conducted to evaluate the energy-conservation performance of an office building some time after construction, and present the results of a simulation that was performed to identify possible improvem