In civil engineering there is an increasing demand for calculation methods to assess the moisture behaviour of building components.
IBPSA 2001 - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
International Building Simulation Conference 2001, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Contains 153 papers
Volume content
Uncertainty approaches for hygrothermal building simulations: drying of an AAC flat roof in different climates | 2001 | English
Strategies for coupling energy simulation and computacional fluid dynamics programs | 2001 | English
Energy simulation (ES) and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) can play important roles in building design by providing complementary information about the buildings’ environmental performance.
The need for computacional support in energy-efficient design projects in the Netherlands | 2001 | English
This paper reports on a research project that investigates the need for computational support for a specific stage of the building design process: the selection of energy saving components.
Just in time for the 25th anniversary a new version of the international well-known simulation tool TRNSYS is released: TRNSYS 15.
This paper deals with the development and the testing of a simulation algorithm for the temperature behaviour and the flow characteristics of double façades.
Sisley is an open software that uses the volume element method to model two-dimensional heat transfer problems under transient and steady-state conditions.
The influence of different courtyard configurations on natural ventilation through low-rise buildings | 2001 | English
Natural ventilation represents an important design strategy for school buildings in warm humid regions. It is an efficient way to improve students’ thermal comfort and productivity by natural means.
Using lighting simulation to assess the performance of and indirect office lighting systems in dynamic workplaces | 2001 | English
Despite discussions of the universal workstation, there is increasing workplace dynamics in organizations. These dynamics include space configuration changes, changes in occupant density, and increasing equipment density.
This paper reports on an ongoing research project aiming at prediction of the sound insulation proper- ties of a specific type of facade panel by means of computational tools and experiments.
In a larger research program on ‘cost versus value evaluations in the early design stages of technical buildings’, a study and software implementation has been made to simulate HVAC expertise using an Integrated Early Design Environment.
Formal independent testing has been an integral component in the development of EnergyPlus, a new building energy simulation program. Testing to date has included analytical, comparative, sensitivity, range, and empirical tests.
A flow responsive algorithm was devised and implemented within the ESP-r simulation program to advance the modelling of internal surface convection.
Measurement and simulation of the thermal behavior of a massive building passive solar conditioning | 2001 | English
The measured thermal behavior of a massive building that uses passive techniques for indoor air conditioning is presented. The building thermal transient behavior was simulated with SIMEDIF code.
On the potential of computationally renderes scenes for lighting quality evaluation | 2001 | English
This paper describes an empirical study that was conducted to determine whether and to what extent subjective evaluation of lighting in architectural spaces can be reproduced using computationally rendered images of such spaces.
CEN TC247 has prepared draft standards for main types of room controllers.
Influence of sensor position in building thermal control: development and validation of an adapted zone model | 2001 | English
This paper presents the development of a zone model adapted to the study of the influence of the sensor position in building thermal control. The temperature measured by the sensor of a room temperature controller depends on its position in the zo
Advances in psychoacoustics through the years, have made it possible to evaluate the acoustical quality of a room, based on several numerical parameters that have been developed.
With increasing demands for electric power in large commercial buildings the problem of magnetic interference to sensitive equipment has increased. However, low-frequency (ELF) electromagnetic interference is not generally addressed in the design
On the influence of angular dependence properties of advanced glazing systems on the energy performance of buildings | 2001 | English
Windows strongly influence the energy performances of buildings, especially in the new hugely glazed constructions.