International Building Simulation Conference 1997, Prague, Czech Republic.

Contains 117 papers.

Volume content

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This is the second of two papers that describe the development of simulation methods for optimally controlled central plant equipment in IBLAST (Integrated Building Loads Analysis and System Thermodynamics).
Russell D. Taylor and Curtis O. Pedersen
The traditionally engineering-oriented approach to thermal building simulations tends to leave such analysis tools out of the reach of general design practitioners, especially during the early stages of building design when many of the most influe
Margit Rudy
Stadium Australia is to be the centrepiece of the year 2000 Sydney Olympics. The architects aimed to minimise energy consumption by incorporating passive design measures which would provide ventilation, natural cooling and warming and daylight.
K. J. Lomas, H. Eppel, M. Cook, and J. Mardaljevic
By describing three recent case-studies, this paper aims to elaborate the current state of building energy modelling and simulation in the Czech Republic in general, and at the Czech Technical University (CTU) in Prague in particular.
F. Drkal, T. Dunovská, M. Neuzil, V. Skrlant
The research we develop consists in evaluating "radiative comfort" during no heating periods in dwelling space and particularly in office buildings. The expression "radiative comfort" is used to characterize the thermal and visual component of the
P. Laforgue, B. Souyri, M. Fontoynont, G. Achard
In this study, the thermal performance of the external envelope of existing residential buildings in Istanbul and energy efficient retrofitting of these buildings are being investigated and modelled by MICRO DOE-2.1E.
Aslihan Tavil, Nil Sahal, Ertan Özkan
This paper is concerned with the optimisation of some design criteria for water based active solar space heating systems intended for residential applications in Cyprus.
I. M. Michaelides, D. R. Wilson
Computation of sound propagation in enclosed spaces is needed for a variety of purposes such as noise exposure in industrial spaces, acoustic privacy conditions in open-plan office settings, and speech intelligibility in auditoriums.
A. Mahdavi, G. Liu, M. E. Ilal
This paper describes the simulation of electric storage heaters and their controls. A method for modelling manual control, inferred from transformer readings, is described.
Andrew J Wright
This paper presents the theoretical modelling work of an elementary urban units (street), thermal behaviour.
F. Pignolet-Tardan, P. Depecker, F. Garde, L. Adelard, J.C. Gatina
The CLIM 2000 software environment [1] was developed by the Electricity Applications in Buildings Branch of the French utility company, Electricité de France.
Kevin M. Murphy, and Francis Déqué
A simulation software focused on HVAC energy consumption in large supermarkets, called Clim Top, has been recently developed in France.
M. Orphelin & D. Marchio
A new method aimed at the selection of the best reduction technique for each given invariant linear system, such as those obtained when modelling the thermal behaviour of building envelopes, is presented here.
E. Palomo, Y. Bonnefous and F. Déqué
The paper presents the results from a numerical and experimental investigation of the velocity distribution in a ventilated industrial hall in the nuclear power plant in Bulgaria.
Jordan Denev, Peter Stankov, Dimiter Stoyanov and Pavel Spassov
Earth heat exchangers are advantageous features to reduce energy consumption in residential buildings.
St. Benkert, F.D. Heidt, D. Schöler
Epidemiological evidence suggests that mould infestation in buildings can have serious health implications for the occupants.
Clarke J A, Johnstone C M, Kelly N J, McLean R C, Nakhi A E
This paper reports the current state of an ongoing collaborative project which aims to promote modelling and simulation of energy in buildings by making self-learning course material available on the World Wide Web (WWW).
Jan Hensen, Milan Janak, Nick Kaloyanov, Paul Rutten
The lighting simulation programme Radiance is used to predict daylight factors and the illuminance distribution in a room which is 12m x 12m x 3.6m high, with grey tinted solar control glazing.
Dave Jarvis, Mike Donn
Models of faulty components or processes may either be used on-line as part of a fault detection and diagnosis (FDD) system or may be used in simulations to train or test FDD procedures. Some faults may be modelled by choosing suitable values of t
Philip Haves
The well-known versions of the sunpath diagrams that appear in the AIA’s Architectural Graphics Standards are based on the equidistant sky dome projections and use a shading mask protractor developed by Olgyay and Olgyay at Princeton University in
John K.W. Oh and Jeff S. Haberl
