International Building Simulation Conference, Vancouver, Canada, 1989.

Contains 53 abstracts.

Volume content

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The most common use of building energy simulations, by far, is in the design of buildings, especially non-residential ones.
K. Subbarao, J. D. Burch, C. E. Hancock
This papers introduces an emulation system for simulation of the thermal process of building and plant named ESAC (Emulation Set for Air-Conditioning systems) developed in 1984, and a prototype system was presented in 1985 (1), since then a great
O. S. Yan, Y. Jiang, Y. X. Zhu
Mathematical models of various kinds are important in many disciplines. Unfortunately, it is often difficult and time-consuming to develop models.
Sven Erik Mattsson
This paper summarises the objectives and initial achievements of BEPAC, a recently formed club based in the UK which in many respects parallels the stated goals of IBPSA.
Stephen Irving
Commercial building owners and managers face a complex array of HvAc technology options. Economicanalysis of the options requires consideration of technology characteristics, equipment operatingstrategies, and utility rates.
Ingrid Rohmund
Today, the development of computer makes the accurate performance analysis of complex system by simulation available for most of the research community, and very soon for every concerned engineer.
Louis Laret
Building simulation software alone can sometimes fall short of providing a reliable building model.
Manuel Carabott
In order to create a simulation model of a building, it is usually necessary to make a number of assumptions and/or approximations about the building being simulated.
Jeffrey Spitler, Daniel C. Fisher
At the present time several powerful simulation models exist for the assessment of building environmental performance at the design stage. However when used as design tools these models suffer from several fundamental limitations.
J.A. Clarke, J. Rutherford
Much research has been directed towards development of software environments that allow easy construction of building simulation models of widely varying structure and purpose. For example, TRNSYS has been in use for a number of years.
Per Sahlin, Edward F. Sowell
This paper describes a design tool, 'Condensation Targeter', for assessing condensation risk in dwellings and the effect of remedial measures thereon.
Paul Cooper, Tadj Oreszcyn, David Boyd
Recently, the more accurate comparisons between the existing building behaviour and the simulations have shown that a more realistic model of the whole system has to be considered.
Louis Laret
In 1937, Congress created the Bonneville Power Administration (Bonneville) to serve as transmission and distribution agent for electricity generated by the Bonneville Dam.
Dick Jamieson, Stephen B. Harding
