The 9th AIVC Conference - Effective ventilation, was held in Gent, Belgium, 12-15 September 1988.

Contains 44 papers.

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Air exchange rates in occupied buildings are difficult to assess due to their dependence on a multitude of climatic parameters and inhabitant behaviour.
Crameri R, Schuler Ch, et al
The project is aimed to develop the quantitative method of visualization of the air steams in application to the indoor problems of heauilg , ventilating and air conditioning.
Gottschalk G, Tanner P A, Suter P
The paper presents the development of a ventilation scheme for a large bus station and passenger interchange in Bilbao, Spain.
Holmes M J, Salusbury T
This paper is concerned with natural air flows between major construction cavities in New Zealand houses.
Bassett M R
Since thermal comfort on human body is influenced by the local air flow speed, it is needed to estimate the distribution of air flow speed in a room for the "effective ventilation".
Tsutsumi J, et al
