The 3rd AIVC Conference - Energy efficient domestic ventilation systems for achieving acceptable indoor air quality, was held in London, UK, 20-23 September 1982.

Contains 29 papers.

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Describes a simple method of controlled ventilation comprising an extract system and air inlets.
Johnson K.A. Pitts G.
Distinguishes the problems of designing natural ventilation systems for summer and winter conditions and discusses in detail the objectives, methods and some field studies directed towards the solution of winter ventilation problems.< Describes
Howarth A.T. Burberry P.J. Irwin C. I'Anson S.J.
Detailed studies of public sector modernisation programmes show that the principal problem resulting from lack of thermal insulation and inappropriate methods of heating and ventilation is condensation and mould growth.
Finbow M.
Discusses air quality and the related definitions of ventilation efficiency. Suggests a definition of efficiency for ventilation systems in residential buildings that takes into consideration how ventilation air spreads within a dwelling.
Sandberg M.
Outlines ventilation needs to show that odour dilution and moisture control are the major winter factors.
Brundrett G.W. Poultney G.H.
Describes a programme of ventilation measurements performed on a group of energy efficient houses built in the mid-1970's and situated in Abertridwr, S.Wales. Pressurization, tracer decay and British Gas autovent techniques were employed.
O'Sullivan P. Jones P.J.
Reports the results of an experimental assessment of the effect of a chimney on the air leakage characteristic of an unoccupied two-storey detached house heated by either gas or electric furnace.
Shaw C.Y., Brown W.C.
Examines several ventilation strategies in tight houses for both impact on the total ventilation and effect on the energy balance of the system.
Sherman M.H. Grimsrud D.T.
Uses mathematical models for formaldehyde concentrations in 3 normal rooms in a single family house to estimate ventilation rates needed to maintain the formaldehyde concentration below the Danish recommended indoor standard (0.15 mg/m*3).
Molhave L.
