Bienfait D, Phaff H, Vandaele L, van der Maas J, Walker R
Bibliographic info:
12th AIVC Conference "Air Movement and Ventilation Control within Buildings" Ottawa, Canada, 24-27 September 1991

We report on four new full scale experiments that were designed to measure the influence of wind on the ventilation and/or heat loss rates through single large openings: a) test-house with horizontal slit opening, set-up to measure internal pressures and the effect of air-compressibility (CSTB, France), b) attic with window ajar, set-up to measure long term ventilation rates with varying wind and temperatures (BBRI, Belgium), c) fully open window, set-up to measure ventilation rate and cooling as a function of time (BRE, UK) d) fully open window, set-up tomeasure cooling as a function of time (EPFL, Switzerland).